Dear Visitors! Welcome to that site!

The subject of that site is Autism. Working for 20 years with autistic kids as a caregiver, I discovered my own autism. This often happens to some parents of autistic kids and since then their lives take another turn. So I’m presenting here Autism from many different angles, which of course is my subjective perspective. Besides that, working in the legal System I created my own system of help “creating Thematic PhotoBooks” . It's quite different from what is used by the professional community. Although the academic journals accepted it, finding the system intriguing, my educational status does not allow me to practice it .
For autistic individual, trying to find the own way in a regular environment, it creates a lot of life adventures of different kinds.Those events are described here as well.
I believe Autism is not an illness and parents are the most important people in those kids lives, even more important as for regular kids.
On a “Welcome” page you can find all the information about material presented on that site. I hope you will find it interesting.
All the very best!
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